Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mouse Movement & Circuit Board

Week 6:
      During the week 6, the MATLAB team began the code. The internet was used to understand the concept behind the coding and the various functions that would need to used. While researching the group came across a JAVA applet that included code which was set to make the mouse move from a predefined point on the computer screen to the opposite/diagonal corner. There was also a command in the code that caused the mouse to click. This program was used to assist the group in creating further code for the project. 
The website where the code was found is:
      To make the project cohesive the group decided to also use MATLAB for data acquisition. This minimizes the cross over of data between the LabVIEW and MATLAB. 
      Outside the classroom time the group met with DJ to work on MATLAB coding and to solder the circuit boards and electrode leads. Since the code, found earlier in the week, was preset to carryout a certain pattern. To modify the code to work with the project a function needs to be added to the code. This will allow for the mouse to perform according to the signal that is received from the electrodes. 
      Two circuit boards, each containing a switch, LED's, resistors, amplifier, battery leads, and connectors for the alligator clips were soldered. The electrode leads are connected to the electrodes which are attached to various muscles on the face. The the signal is then amplified with the instrumentation amplifier. This amplified signal is sent through the connection between the circuit board and the data acquisition to the computer to generate signal waves. 
Figure 1: The picture shows the completed circuit board with all of the components.

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