Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Preliminary LabVIEW Code

Week 5:

           A preliminary code in LabVIEW was created after playing around with the different aspects that it offers. LabVIEW seems to be the best option as far as receiving and filtering signals, and so far the visual code makes it seem simple. Unfortunately, the DAQ is not set up yet, so the code cannot be fully completed because it needs a source of input. The code can be seen in Figure 1. It begins with a start function, followed by a DAQ assistant that tells the program which port to get the signal from and what kind of signal it is. From there, the signal will be filtered using a filter block. The filtered signal will then be translated to a real-time graph and table. A sample of these graphs and tables are seen in Figure 2.

Figure 1: Preliminary code in LabVIEW that will acquire, filter, and show the data from the electrodes.
Figure 2: Sample graphs and tables that will be used to gather and analyze EOG signals.

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